Sunday, August 25, 2013

"Do You Believe?"

“Do You Believe?

As we continue to kill our creativity and be driven by the commands of the electronic age I would like to keep my imagination and creativity alive even if I am not allowed to consume multiple lives and an un-ending supply of ammunition I will still continue to shoot with all my creativity till it runs out and my screen reads Game Over!  Please visit my Facebook Like page and view my album titled “Do You Believe?”

Saturday, August 17, 2013

A week in Charleston South Carolina could make just about anyone as relaxed as these flowers appeared to be.  I am not sure how I could move there but I really think I could live in Charleston and never have to go anywhere else again considering how friendly the locals, and how very diverse the food selections are. This place has so much opportunity for art and artist alike that it would make a perfect fit for me.